The Male Brain
So after 1000’s of years of evolution the male neurobiology was adapted to ‘outdoor thinking,’ and have only come’ indoors’ since the Industrial Revolution whereas female neurobiology has naturally adapted to nurturing, educating and managing people and processes, as discussed in my previous post.
The male brain excels at abstract conceptualizing which is left hemisphere bias. They have a spatial awareness that enables them to track objects on the move in space and allows them to excel in mechanical design. The male brain boasts linear logic, great for rapid short-term problem-solving and expedient decision-making which often results in men taking physical action quickly, with a fair amount of bravery.
Competition, aggression, establishing social hierarchy, territoriality and tenacity are all traits that are more likely to be found in males due to the levels of Vasopressin and Testosterone present in the male brain. Men tend to bond through actions rather than words.
The male brain is indeed driven towards sex and men do find it easier to “switch off” than their female counterparts.
According to neuro-researcher Michael Gurian in “What Could He be Thinking?” (2008):
“Men tend to berate each other, cut each other down, negate each other, and generally treat each other in ways women find nasty and mean. Yet the men laugh, jostle, jest, motivate, and seem to feel helped, supported, and loved in the process.”